Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I didn't go vote yesterday. And I got reamed for it... I've been told I'm unAmerican... I have been criticized extensively...

You know I have voted every election probably since I turned 18 years old. But this year I made a conscious effort not to go vote. I honestly did not want to vote.

I had no idea who I wanted to vote for. I was totally undecided. Maybe I am even a little disillusioned with the government. Does any politician really do what they say they are going to do???

So I made the choice not to go vote. I let everyone else decide for me. That is something I do believe in... that if you don't make a choice... someone will make the choice for you... So I voluntarily let that happen.

So I took the election year off this year... I will probably vote the next election. I will serve my time when I'm called to jury duty. I will honor my country & pray for it daily. I will respect the president that we will have. I love the United States of America! But I used my freedom this time to not vote... So why am I catching so much flack from that???

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