Monday, November 10, 2008

I think I have found a skill...

I played poker for the first time this weekend... but what is the weirdest thing is I won... Crazy, huh? I wish I could say I was that skilled & caught on quickly but who am I kidding? Half the time I was thinking I had something else when I laid down my cards like a pair... but the people I was playing with would say, "Wow, you got a flush!" or "You go, you have a straight".... So I can't take any credit for it really... It was Beginner's luck or God's I just got great cards most of the time. I think the guys I was playing poker with really got frustrated with me... they kept saying they didn't know how to read me. They said I would just bet on anything which tickled me cause it was true... but, hey, it worked didn't it... I won!!! Even if I didn't mean to do it! I had a great time, but dang, it was a little long. We started playing at around 7:30 pm & finished at 1:15 in the morning... I was exhausted, but absolutely happy about winning...

The rest of the weekend was spent recovering from staying out so late. I felt like a zombie. I guess the Bud Light Lime that I drank didn't help matters either. Tasted good at that moment. I also had to try a cigar. Even though I don't smoke... I have always wanted to puff on a cigar. So I did... &.... it is not something I want to do again... I think it has triggered my allergies cause now my sinuses are killing me. Note to self: Even though it looks a helluva lot cooler than just smoking a cigarette... Cigar smoking is still smoking, dumbass... Lesson learned on that!

Now the poker... I may have to get into that... seems like I may have some skill at it... Look out Tunica... or maybe even Las Vegas... yeah,

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