Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bad Day

I had kind of a bad day yesterday... It was trying to rain here so old softball injuries where really bothering me. My sinuses were still on the fritz, & so I was feeling overall crummy.

Then my BFF gave me a talking to because I didn't stay on budget like she said for me to... She is helping me sort out my financial disaster of the summer...(She has basically taken control... Thank God!) So she was very disappointed in me.

My job was a pain yesterday. I was "on call" so when problems arise I got the calls. So at my daughter's basketball game... I got called out several times & missed most of the game. Not that it mattered because when the coach asked her if she wanted to play... she said, "no". She is having major issues with shyness right now. So between the calls I was getting & the trying to boost my oldest daughter, Lou's confidence... I was stressed.

Once we get home, my youngest daughter, Mulan, shows me her progress report. Several F's... 2 D's, & 1 C... I just burst out crying... I was so tired... & stressed... My youngest daughter has been battling with her grades since kindergarten... We go for ADD testing on Friday... I'll try anything to help her.

So yesterday was not a good day... I just had a bad day!

Even though today is has not started out great... it is rainy & cold... & my sinuses are still yucky... I'm going to think positive... I know we have to have the bad days to appreciate the good ones... & you know things could always be worse... I just keep telling myself "this too shall pass"!

Side note : I did find an artist that I am crazy about his work... It is different yet very beautiful. Check out

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