Friday, December 5, 2008

Brrrrr.... winter ramblings..

It has been cold here this week.
I live in the north part of my state.
Last time I checked Mississippi is still in the south.
Why does it have to be so cold then?
I know it is winter.
I hate winter.
I hate being cold.
It makes me hurt.
It makes me grumpy.
My hands & feet are the coldest.
I swear I must have Raynaud’s.
I bet I do.
I always think I have something though.
Can you say hypochondria?
I complain constantly of my hands being cold at work.
A co-worker bought me fingerless gloves to shut me up.
They allow me to type accurately.
But now my fingers are freezing.
I may have to do a little inaccurate typing.
You think it would be warm inside.
But I think it snows in our office.
I begged God to give me a house on the beach.
I told him I’d learn to like sand.
Sand bugs me.
But I’d learn to love it for the sun and warmth.
I’m still waiting on that blessing to arrive.
So I sit here with fingerless gloves & a quilt…

Post Scriptum

I have 2 followers...yay me! Or better yet... Yay them! They are my beloved "Andy" from Wild ARS Chase and "Kylie" from RandomThoughts by Kylie. I am so excited... even in the cold.

Hey, Kylie, I've tried to post comments on your blogs, but couldn't... Either your comments are messed up or I'm remedial....

Thank you guys for reading! It is much appreciated... Maybe it will get better with time. lol


Kylie said...

I will look into that! I would love comments!! Thanx!!'s snowing and blowing I feel your! :)

jamie said...

If it makes you feel any better, we Iowans are supposed to get 6 inches of snow/ice tonight! Iccckkkk!

Gina said...

Uggg... I'm not much of a snow person either...

I think I need to move further South... like on the equator...