Monday, January 19, 2009

Tagging happens...

I got tagged by Kylie. So here are the answers... I think I'm supposed to tag someone else, but I don't know who to tag so please, if you read it and wanna do it... feel free.. if you don't... fine I don't really give a toad turd... lol.. well at least not today anyway...

When was the last time you splurged on a gift for yourself?
I guess it would have to be something for scrapbooking last week. It was a paper cutter. I’ve gotten into making my own cards.

Have you ever bought yourself a gift for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, a birthday or any other occasion and then wrapped it up and pretended it was from someone else? Yes, once for Christmas, because my kids wanted me to have something under the tree, and they were too little to do it… So they insisted…

Have you ever sent yourself flowers, chocolates or anything else to your place of employment so it seemed as if someone else were sending you a gift? No but my ex-husband sent me flowers once, and I ended up having to pay for them… does that count?

How often do you text message? I love to text. I am a text whore… I rather text than talk. My kids & I are so bad we will text each other from opposite ends of the house just to keep from walking…

Is there someone you’d like to fix things with? Yeah, I’d love for things to be “fixed” with my former boyfriend, Moonpie. I don’t see it happening though, you can’t fix crazy…

Are there any previous relationships you wish could have lasted longer? Yeah, Moonpie of course…

When do you blow out the candles? 8/27… hey, Kylie… our birthdays are exactly a month apart… kindred spirits…lol

Do you give out second chances too easily? Yeah, I have a forgiving spirit… It is easy for me to forgive people…

What’s the next big decision you will have to make? Whether or not I decide to get the “lap band” surgery or not… it is a toss up… but I’m leaning to doing it…

If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who would you pick, and why? If Moonpie would have been who I thought he was… it would be him… but since he is not… I guess… one of the two men I been talking (texting) to… You know if you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you are with!

Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? There is no telling… do I care… it is the least of my worries…

Who was the last person to REALLY piss you off? A co-worker… but I was an ill ass last week… so maybe it wasn’t her fault.

Would you ever want to be a supermodel? Hell yeah… I’d love to know what it felt like to be so skinny someone wants to feed you all the time… And to get to strut like they do on the runway… How cool is that? People look at me funny when I try to do it here in the country…

Do you know what you will wear tomorrow? Typical workday garb… nothing special… I need a new wardrobe…

Your motivation for tomorrow? To feed my kids… & let’s not forget about myself…

What is the last thing you put your lips against? Sierra Mist free… but I would absolutely kill for a diet dew… but I will refrain… I’m trying out this new thing called “willpower”…

Have you ever gone two or more days without changing your underwear? Yes… one time when I was in a depressed mood & didn’t care if my undies were funky… yes, it’s gross… I see that now… then though it didn’t matter…

Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect? Yes, and purposely ate one in a lollipop…there is nothing like a sugary sweet insect… ewww..

What serial killer do you find most disturbing? Ahhh… I’m gonna say all of them… serial killers are disturbed people…

Are you ever purposely irritating? To my daughters… it is my entertainment!

What was the last thing you used you debit card for? I think for a soda & a biscuit…

Are you cheating on your significant other right now? I’m free to cheat… so I guess that is not really cheating, huh?

Are you contemplating cheating on your significant other right now? If I had an significant other… who knows…

When was the last time you sat down and watched kiddie cartoons? Saturday

Do you sleep with one leg out from under the covers? Occasionally I’ll let one (leg I mean) loose…

Do you have any text messages that you would be embarrassed to let your mom read? Not at the moment… but I have in the past…there are just some things I don’t show my mom… Of course they were probably forwards from my dad... he has a wicked sense of humor..

How old would you be when you finally have kids/ or next kids? I’m DONE!!!

Have you ever thought about converting to a new religion? Nope… can’t think of one. Would love to learn how to perform a Tibetan chant though…

Do you know anyone with the same first name as you? Yeah, several people… & we are all hot…

When was the last time you went to church? Too long ago…

What song plays on your Myspace profile page? The first on the playlist is “Come Out & Play” by the Offspring.

What were you doing the last time you were in the bathroom? Pissing…

Have you ever had a Razr as a phone? Had its relative the SLVR once.

Which energy drink is better; Amp or Rockstar? Red Bull with Vodka…

Would you rather eat a Milky Way or eat a Twix? If it is chocolate I’ll eat it… even a bug… Fry it and drizzle chocolate on that cricket, man…

Do you like that new shoe smell? Leather shoes sure.

Do you like the taste of licorice? I’d rather drink Jagermeister. Same taste better buzz.

Would you ever walk around with a free hugs sign like the dude on YouTube? Nah, I don’t want that many people touching me… But I might walk around with one that said free ass grabs… but not people grabbing mine… I get to give them one… so much better don’t you think?

Did you ever flip out on a teacher and walk out of a class? Nah… they whoop your ass here in the south.

Do you/did you ever have dreams of being a rock star? I can’t believe you asked that… I am a rock star… Dammit…

If vegetarians think it’s wrong to eat living things, why do they eat plants? I got another question… do vegetarians have oral sex???? We are talking about eating…& humans are not plants... I’m just sayin’

If you were to compare your real family to a TV family, which one would they closely resemble? The Simpsons…

What advice would you give to a new blogger? Just write…

What imaginary pet would you love to own? A unicorn… or a winged horse…

What was your favorite book as a child? Nancy Drew…. (see Kylie… Kindred Spirits again)

Out of all the cars you owned which one was your favorite? My malachite green Beretta

What is the coldest place/state that you ever visited? Wisconsin

As a child did you ever walk to school or carry your lunch? Nope… rode a bus (not a short one) & ate at the “crap”teria…

Did you ever have such a busy day that you didn’t know whether to scratch your watch or wind your behind? Most days…& this is a long ass survey….thingy

Ever rode in a hot air balloon? No…but I will given the opportunity.

Have you ever fainted? Nope, never…

What is your favorite quote? Well behaved women rarely make history” ‘nuff said…


Kylie said...

I luv your answers! We MUST be kindred spirits!! Hope you have a great week!! xoxo

Femin Susan said...

Interesting answers.. This was a pleasure to read...

Andy - Instafather said...

Oh, you're one of THOSE people, you texter. I never got into texting, no matter how many teenage girls try to prove me wrong.
Wait, that doesn't sound good.